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Last updated: 03/11/25 at 4:31am

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Season Pass Information

Season Pass Information

Pass Reimbursement Policy     Purchase Your Season Pass Here

Receiving Your Season Pass

Looking to get your pass before the Winter season? We have a few options.

  • Call and arrange a time to pick up your pass at the Ski Resort
  • Have your pass mailed to you for $5.

Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions or if you would like to pay to have your pass mailed. Release waiver must be completed, pass photo must be received, and College/Military/1st Responder status must be verified (if applicable) before a pass can be printed. If you already paid to have your pass mailed, but have not received your pass, we are likely missing something from you. Please give us a call at your earliest convenience so we can look at your account.

Pass Photos
If you need to send us a pass photo please note, pictures must be clear headshots, above the shoulders, with no accessories (hats, glasses, etc). Please submit your photo by email to, and use the pass holder’s name as your email subject line.

Pass Ages and Categories
Age categories for all passes are decided on pass recipient's age as of December 31st, of the current season. Age 0-6 are 6 and under. Ages 7-17 are Youth. Ages 18-23 are Young Adults. Ages 24-61 are Adults. Ages 62-69 are Senior. Ages 70-79 are Super Senior.

College Season Pass
If you purchased a College Pass, please send documentation to College pass holders must prove that they are taking at least 6 credits. Acceptable College documentation would be a course schedule screenshot or something official from your Registration Office, with your name, school name, and dates of courses.

Military/EMS Pass
If you purchased a Military Pass, please send documentation to To qualify for a Military Season Pass, you must provide Active, Ready Reserve, or Inactive Ready Reserve documentation. Acceptable Military documentation would be a copy of your orders, a copy of your pay stub, or a document showing you are a Retired or Disabled Veteran. To qualify for the EMS Season Pass, you must provide one of the following: a state license, an EMT / Paramedic certification issued within the past 48 months, or an ID Card with their name and title on it. Retired First Responders can use a retiree ID card, retirement certificate, etc. Other occupations that qualify for the EMS pass - Fire and Law dispatchers, retired Law Enforcement, Wildland Firefighters, National registered EMT, and Jailers. All require proper proof via email or in person when picking up the purchased pass.

Half Payment Opt-In
Our Season Pass payment plan allows you to pay half now and half later. This option is available online. Please note, that a pass cannot be issued until the pass is paid in full.

Combo Passes with Silver Mountain Resort
We have partnered with Silver Mountain to offer 2025-2026 Combo Passes! The Combo Pass this season will be two passes, one for each mountain. Remember to bring the correct corresponding pass to each mountain you visit.

Please note, due to Silver Mountain Policy, 6 & Under combo passes are only valid when purchased along with an adult Silver Mountain Pass or adult combo pass. Please see Silver Mountain's website for more information.

You will need to pick up both passes separately for each mountain. You cannot pick up both passes at one single resort.

Silver Mountain’s College Combo Pass is not available for pickup until the fall semester of 2025.
You will need to bring a copy of your fall 2025 class schedule or transcript to pick up your College Combo Pass at Silver Mountain.


For any Season Pass questions, please call (509)935-6649 ext. 2 or email

Season Pass Information